Breaking News

Thursday 4 December 2014

Huawei: no one earns on smartphones with Windows Phone.

Huawei: no one earns on smartphones with Windows Phone.
Huawei makes it clear. The company does not intend to produce smartphones with Windows Phone. In the absence of financial gain.

One of the representatives of Huawei - Joe Kelly in an interview with the Seattle Times reported that his company has no plans no new smartphones running Windows Phone, adding that due to non-profits. Kelly also said that no one earns on smartphones with Windows Phone!

Huawei once had two Windows Phone smartphones in the offer, but I already sent in August that it does not intend to produce new devices with this system. The company intends to focus on smartphones with Android, as indeed does.

Or representative of Huawei really is right? In the case of your own company probably yes. 

With the recent disclosures by AdDuplex shows that almost 95% of the smartphone market with Windows Phone is Lumie. Other manufacturers have here a marginal share. So it is not surprising that in addition to (possibly) Microsoft, other companies can not really count on the profit from the sale of phones with windows.

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