Breaking News

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Puzzlephone - a bit simpler than Google Ara.

Puzzlephone - a bit simpler than Google Ara.
Smartphones, which components you choose for himself, is the future of mobile? It is not known, but such projects comes.

The first was a project Ara that Google left himself after the sale of Motorola, Lenovo. In his case, however, is to be able to decide almost every component of your smartphone. Slightly less radical solution is Puzzlephone created in Finland.

Prospective users of the facility, which is at the stage of working prototypes, they will have to decide what is most important to them. Is impossible to replace only one of the three body parts Puzzlephone. It will either be a duet Camera + processor or the display + housing + speaker or the battery and some components.

Unusual smartphone is expected to be available in the second quarter of next year. Will work under the supervision of Android, but in a slightly modified version.

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